Caring for Gold Jewelry

Caring for Gold Jewelry
Gold jewelry is made with a technique and way less true in the process of mixing levels will make gold jewelry made easy dull, discolored and sometimes black, easily scratched and dented easily. Genesis is scratched and dented gold jewelry wearer negligence, and if this happens, then the solution be careful in using your gold jewelry.

Other causes which make gold jewelry easy to dent or scratch could be due to high levels so that the gold is rather soft. Being dull or otherwise black gold content may be low so it's easy oxidation, or react with other substances. Usually the cause is the harshest of salt and sulfur, it means the marine water and may bathe in natural hot springs that contain sulfur. Or the more common are actually mixtures of materials that surfaced. It's kind of natural law that would light up to the top. It occurs also as a solid object but rather a long time. Usually if you ever cut a gold ring to be diminished in size it would appear the cut line. This is the stained surface.

The problem that often occurs in the gold jewelry is as follows:

Quickly become dull or black. Caused by a less than perfect blend of time making jewelry that is usually done hand or 'hand made' difficult to treat because it will surely fast black again.

Dull or black when not in use. Usually stored for long periods in wooden cabinets. Varnishes and wood finishing less than perfect can make this quick dull and black due to silver oxidation by wood finishing materials.

Dull also be caused by bathing in sea water containing salt or sulfur. Gold often with salt and sulfur oxidation.

Dull and black can also be due to storage in a bag or something made of leather. Genuine leather jobs typically using materials associated with sulfur or amoniac. Or maybe you use a necklace of silver skin. Not all black skin causing skin if the job was done right. So the skin is suspect as the cause of black gold items.

Gold changed color to red too. This is because copper compounds which have emerged out of the surface. This law of nature that the light is always on top. The reason is because the mixture of levels could be incorrect. But if from the beginning of this reddish color is called rose gold.

Red that appears uneven. This problem is called a cloud or fire skill. This is because when there is a process of soldering in areas that appear red. This mix is ​​one of them is soldered copper surface.

How to care for the right:

Stroke is often your silver and gold jewelry. Use a cloth and abrasive materials such as autosol are sold in supermarkets or often in a motorcycle repair shop. Use a soft rag and good of former cotton shirt or cotton that has been frequently washed. Cotton can also be rather difficult but the rub.

Store in a cloth bag before entering the cabinet or a leather bag. If there is silica gel which is easily available in supermarkets are also very good. Another place that is safe is a box of paper, plastic and metal.

If gold or silver you have too scratch and you do not mind for a little shrinkage (same, serviced the goldsmith was shrinking) use sandpaper no. 1000 when it's fine to use fine sandpaper No. 2000 to be an occasional dip in the water. If it is felt fine enough to use it autosol had to make cling again. If not cling sandpaper's meaning less. This is called polishing. This method can not be done for plated items due to lead plating layer is lost.

Opaque gem. Actually opaque gems can also be rubbed with the above but take longer depending on its level and type of opaque gem. If diamonds do not try this gem because most violent in the world. Very special, so expensive. Actually means the same as its jewel smooths the process of polishing metal or sandpaper and rub like the above.

Treating the wrong way:

Often seen people cooking the gold or silver. This method is actually for those who already know. Because there are types of gems that are not strong with the hot temperatures that cause color fading gems instead. No longer cling.

Brewing using aluminum pans can cause a black dye or called oxid is usually used instead accidentally lost. But if you really want to remove this black drug could be added a little salt then black dye on the silver will be lost. The reaction of salt and oxidation of aluminum binding.

Brewing using acid do if there are gems. Abrassive acid is a substance that can cause the layer jewel sheen to opaque. Mainly occurs in soft gems like Amber. Also can cause inclusions (such particles are in a gem may become discolored). Usually, if imitation he will quickly change color.

The ways this is very common. Do not use for white gold and diamond. Also for the gold gilding can be lost because of gilding. Better to ask how to clean your jewelry to the place you buy to make it more secure.